Mugwort & Yarrow, the Moon & our Blood
Mugwort & Yarrow, the Moon & our Blood
Spirit medicine of Mugwort & Yarrow for the Menstrual Cycle
A deep dive into resourcing ourselves and our menstrual cycles with these two powerful plant allies. We will work over a month's time with Mugwort and Yarrow to deepen our connection to our monthly moon cycles. We will build practices that support our own unique rhythm of bleeding and play with recovering ways of being in relationship to our menstrual cycles together. We will be using plant meditations, somatic practices, tea, flower essences, tracking and journaling, and sharing with one another to see what unfolds!
Cost is: $90 and includes both classes & plant medicines
This is a 2 part classes: Nov- 3rd & Nov 24th
Time: 9:30- 11:30am