Digestive Bitters
Digestive Bitters
I always carry this remedy in my bag so it’s there whenever I need it. If I’ve had a little too much to eat, rich food, or too many sweets... I break out my digestive bitters. Traditionally, humans used to incorporate more bitters into their diets. The bitter flavor helps to break down and assimilate your food. This makes you feel better and have more energy!
Digestive bitters work to ease tummy aches, nausea, gas, bloating, and indigestion. They also support blood sugar regulation and reduce cravings for sweets! A little pro tip- digestive bitters work wonders for car sickness, so make sure to pack them for your next road trip!
I recommend taking one dropper full in a little shot of water along with your next few meals. You will start to notice a difference in your digestive health!
Ingredients: Oregon Grape Root, Hops, Gentian, Dandelion Root, Hamula, & Desert Lavender