Mimi Kamp's Flower Essences

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Mimi Kamp's Flower Essences

from $8.00

Flower Essence Descriptions

(purchase at the bottom) 

What is a Flower Essences?  Flower essences are herbal infusions or decoctions, made from the flowering part of the plant, which uniquely address emotional and mental aspects of wellness.

Single Essences:

Agave, Palmer (Agave palmeri)
Awakening body, vitality, enthusiasm; physically and energetically present to create life. Accessing and mobilizing one’s long-guarded or inhibited creativity/talent or identity. Coming out of the closet. For FEAR. Umbilical power disturbed by childhood trauma. Giving up one’s power to the patriarchy, internal and external. Going through battle to recover vital force and dignity. Protection from abuse; awakens the instinct for self-preservation. In creating clear boundaries and true defenses, it dissolves the fog and the defensiveness which turn against oneself in impotence and shame. In relationship this clarity allows tenderness without vulnerability. Sacred sexuality. Cleansing and sealing; connecting through the navel to matriarchial lineage, the divine feminine – awakening strong belly and fierce heart. Influences of ancestors and past lives elucidated. Fixing one’s intention: the chalice held up to be filled. Broken pieces make gateways: when we find and line up these fragments, Agave enters through the gateway bringing healing grace.

Chaparral, Creosote (Larrea tridentata)
Cleansing. Clearing physical, emotional, and mental toxins. Inviting guidance or spiritual assistance. Sense of ancient support, a lifting of the burden. Opening and energizing a receptive space for new experience. Transformation. Can be a doorway to more profound perceptions, an invitation into the magic of the Sonoran desert.

Chaparro Amargoso (Castela emoryi)
Discourages energetic parasites, of external or internal origin, treating constant negative expectations, the propensity to selfopunishment and martyrdom, as well as psychic attacks. Strengthens boundary and sense of self. Sharply awake, knowing how to hold inner space, inner seeing…keeping the temple clean, the oil burning. Clears emotional debris – fears, patterns of co-dependency or sexual abuse.

Coral Bean (Erythrina flabelliformis)
Core fire – vital force, and safety (fire at the center of the earth.) Umbilical (point back side of solar plexus). What is REALLY going on here?…below the surface. Where is my soul passion? Where do I need to put my energy – distinguishing and freeing it from the many masks, costumes, roles, defenses, distractions that drive one superficially and define the form of one’s life. Do these forms express my vitality? Shapeshifting. Learning to play with the roles rather than being dominated or duped by them. Transforming fear and anger through this play. Compulsively driven (fire drives addiction, defense, escape), tension, anxiety; OR exhausted, depressed, scattered, spaced out, without core purpose, earth-fire extinguished. Calms misdirected fire; stimulates weak vital fire. Withdrawing to the central hearth of my being, to the sacred fire, to remember my true self and recreate an expression of that. Mantra: “I come bearing a gift” – choose to enter each situation remembering and radiating fire from the navel to bring life, liveliness and creativity into play there. This overcomes victimhood, negative expectation, fear or pessimism, shame or a sense of impotence, to prevent draining, meaningless, wasteful or false interactions. Present. and connected with SOURCE, energized and energizing. Coming from true self instead of from one’s hurt place.

Ephedra (Ephedra trifurca)
Self-heal of the desert: The male plant stimulates the energy to extricate oneself from a debilitating and dis-empowering situation; the female is the pure energy of healing – in the hands of the mother holding the baby, the healer touching the body of a patient, nourishing the energy field with warmth and light. Both are used to make this essence.

Fairy Duster (Calliandra eriophylla)
NERVOUS SYSTEM. Romantic/ecstatic/artistic temperament, with escapist tendencies. Excessive and impulsive, even compulsive. Overly reactive. Hyperactive. BI-POLAR. Inflated exhilaration followed by depression and emptiness. Need to feel high to be OK. Nervousness. Balance, grounded stability, a secure base from which to manifest vision.

Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis)
Ease, comfort, softness, and simplicity in body, in relationship, in life. Grounded, nurtured, present and flowing. Escaping mental domination and tension. Healing the split or battle between spirit and body. Self-conscious or feeling alien. Support through transition, change, or death. Surrender.

Jumping Cholla, (Cylindropuntia fulgida var. fulgida)

Moving too fast or too superficially to feel deeply connected, afraid of losing the thread or failing to function to the full capacity of one’s potential, fear that the mind cannot remember and hold all that you are, addicted to accomplishment, needing confirmation. Wearing a soft golden coat of warm protection around me, my soul and what is most precious in my being is held inviolable through time, through dangers and challenges. Still, inward, strong, enriched. Vision quest, search for identity. Heart filled with a warm knowing. trust in process, in spirit, in life.

Maravilla (Mirabilis longiflora)
Psychic or spiritual preoccupation yet not able to see clearly into the spirit world. Feeling incomplete, not whole, weak, as though you are out of touch with an essential piece of yourself. Longing for something which you can’t see or reach, or from which you feel excluded. Separation outer and inner, physical and spiritual, visible and invisible. Maravilla enables us to experience these two as one. Another hypnotic night-blooming goddess, she illuminates the moon and stars of one’s being, fosters physical strength as the source place is re-connected, and you are freed and empowered to be totally present. Feeds artistic and spiritual visioning. Also invites help and familiarity from benevolent beings on the other side.
Relaxation, no mind, no fear, security and warmth, protection.

Mexican Elder (Sambucus mexicanus)
Stepping across the personal barrier of fear and resistence to encounter the beauty and welcome of the inner and other-side landscapes (applicable to opening devic nature work as well as freeing responses in daily life) – change of perspective. Fear loses it’s power and sadness is not a depressing force but one that inspires depth of character. A spunky participation in life that holds both inner listening and bright present awareness. Stuck at an impass, superficial, tense unresolved situation, inhibition, indecision, holding back. Flow. Easy courage and spontaneity. Deeper perception and participation. Open and protected against troublesome psychic energies.

Milky-nipple Cactus (Mammilaria heyderi var. applanata)
Preverbal bond with Mother – intra-uterine, nursing. The bliss of merging. Also weaning, self-definition, separating from dependence. Difficulties with INTIMACY. Workaholism, adrenaline addiction, running. Or holding on, tendency to not finish projects, self indulgence, spaciness, co-dependent entanglement (difficulty distinguishing self from other), mixing and confusing professional with personal.

Mountain Mahogany (Cercocarpus montanus)
For prayer, manifestation, healing, and problem-solving. Unlocks disease memory, expectation and negative habit patterning, allowing the body to clear symptoms. Seeing connections that are usually hidden, touching the subconscious, strengthening intuition. Able to navigate the etheric, moving easily, flying (the seed tails are feathers) up to a position of greater perspective above the myriad details of daily life and entangling emotion in order to make a change. Calling (through spirit) for a solution and having the lightness and patience to allow harmonious possibilities to emerge. Mind and ego surrender to the passion and power of spirit and synchronicity. Mountain mahogany lifts us up, and the gentle father sky answers our need.

Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens)
One’s passion in life frustrated, blocked, or abused becomes a destructive impulse erupting in ANGER, aggression, jealousy, defensiveness,manipulation, complaining, blaming, demanding attention, or just too much talking. Or, the repression of such energy causing mental/ emotional stagnation, LOW VITALITY, and poor self-esteem. ABUSE issues. Sexuality and vital force. Reactivity. Overly sensitive/reactive to external stimuli, allergies.
Deficient fire stimulated, and a negative or wasteful fire expression cooled, calmed, re-centered, and re-channeled into self-healing and creative manifestation. Quiet strength and SELF-CONFIDENCE. Taking RESPONSIBILITY from a deep-rooted place. BOUNDARY and protection. Focus calm and thorough. Stability.

Prickly Pear (Opuntia englemanii)
When the sense of self and safety is torn by many distractions, demands, and scattered commitments, or by emotional instability, weakness or self-doubt. Vulnerability. Confused self image. Aligning with one’s own strong simple center – internally warmed, nurtured and protected. ‘My being, my body, is my safe sanctuary, the place where I am recharged, where I am safe. I am never without the protecting walls of this home and the warmth of the hearth fire at the center of my being. In stillness and activity alike I am constantly within the strength, power and safety of my CENTER, never abandoned and always sustained by the warm light of my internal flame.’ Alignment, integration, boundary, security, purpose.

Ratany (Krameria erecta)
Mastery of the heart. Integrity and wisdom. Projected strength and firm boundaries (the sanctuary is inviolable). Clear, wise, discriminating choices – used when the heart is torn…. No fear, no needing to please, no guilt, neediness, or insecurity; love without emotionality. The red heart; the strong heart. In the midst of chaos, calm. In the midst of difficult choices, safety and bliss.

Saguaro (Carnegia gigantea)
Feeling oneself a victim, self-pity, self-indulgence, resentment, laziness, weakness – not up to the task, not knowing how to escape from a stuck place, no backbone (not feeling supported or able to support oneself.) Feeling vulnerable and exposed. Pessimistic and resigned. Judgemental with self as well as others. Rejecting guidance.
Pulling one’s forces together with motivation. Feeling encouraged and finding the strength to do the best one is capable of. Compassion, humility, self-knowing, dedication. The benevolent father loves and encourages, touches and inspires us at the core of our nature, and when we are true accepts all without judgement.

Tree Tobacco (Nicotiana glauca)
Perception shift to feel the sacredness and connectedness of all of life. Seeing simple acts as ceremony. Becoming more conscious of the healing capacity that we can participate in at each moment. Helps those feeling separate, disconnected from others or from spirit, those who feel their life is meaningless, repetitive or deficient. Opens an awareness of the spirituality and potential for fulfillment even in simple mundane living. Can help one find meaning and feel less isolated or alone. Committed to life and being present. May catalyze the choosing of a new path, or deeper contentment with what one has already chosen. When the give/receive breath is blocked or unbalanced, when there is too much holding on, or giving away to depletion, exhaustion and emptiness. Unable to feel joy. Trust and safety. Spirit.

Velvet Mesquite (Prosopis velutina)
Often due to old trauma, one accepts limitations in abundance, comfort and ease as normal, even virtuous. Survival mode, mind-directed, driving oneself beyond physically sustainable capacity or simply missing out on some of the joy and fun. Worry. Promise, hope, relief. Father support. Softening and becoming receptive. Relaxing, opening to and inviting nurturance, healing and pleasure.

Wild Cotton (Gossypium thurberi)
Restores feminine grace, purity and sensuality. Clearing collective as well as personal or family patterns of sexual distortion, trauma, abuse and power struggle. Confronting and redefining male-female patriarchal habits of behavior acted out between the sexes or between same-sex partners. Rejoins the blood mysteries with spirit, erasing perversions and false judgmental spirituality.

Yerba Mansa (Anemopsis californica)
Though not a smudge, is often used by practitioners to clear negative internal emotional energies and beliefs that block a person’s receptivity to healing, as well as for clearing such energies that hang around in the room after a session/ “Disinfects” and refreshes the space.



For times of Crisis

12 – 2dram flower essence stock bottles in kit box
Essences: Chaparro, Ocotillo, Snakewood, Saguaro, Pitaya Organpipe Cactus, Palmer Agave, Cane Cholla, Ironwood, Claret Cup Cactus, Staghorn Tree & Christmas Chollas, Needle Spine Pineapple Cactus, & Desert Anemone

Sonoran Desert series

12 – 2dram flower essence stock bottles in kit box
Essences: Blue Palo Verde (Cercidium floridum), Candy Barrel Cactus (Ferocactus wislizenii), Chaparral (Larrea tridentate), Christmas Cactus (Cylindropuntia leptocaulis), Fairy Duster (Calliandra eriophylla), Fishhook Cactus (Mammilaria microcarpa), Hedgehog Cactus (Echinocereus englemannii), Ironwood (Olneya tesota), Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis), Jumping Cholla (Cylindropuntia fulgida var. fulgida), Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens), Saguaro (Carnegia gigantea)

Trauma and Sexual Abuse

6 – 2dram flower essence stock bottles in kit box
Essences: Bisbee Beehive Cactus  (Coryphantha vivipara), Chicura (Ambrosia ambrosioides), Mala Mujer (Cnidoscolus angustidens), Sacred Datura (Datura wrightii), Spanish Dagger  Yucca (Yucca baccata), Wild cotton (Gossypium thurberi)

Sea of Cortez

6 – 2dram flower essence stock bottles in kit box
Essences: Boojum  or  Cirio  (Fouquieria columnaris), Elephant Tree or Torote (Bursera microphylla), Cardon   (Pachycereus pringlei), Sangre de Drago or Ashy Jatropha (Jatropha cinerea), Morning glory Tree or Palo Blanco (Ipomoea arborescens), Adam’s Tree or Palo Adan (Fouquieria diguetii)

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