Our new Elderberry Syrup Kit

Now at the shop we are offering an easy to follow do-it-yourself Elderberry Kit. 

~Things you will need to purchase: 4 ounces of honey, (and optionally a fresh pear &/or 2 ounces of brandy)

~Things you will need in the kitchen: A small pot, mixing spoon, stove top, strainer or muslin

  1. Empty all of the contents of your Elderberry Kit into a small pot.

  2. Add 12 ounces of filtered water.

  3. If you decided to purchase a pear, cut into slices and add to pot. (Pears are excellent to nourish the Lungs)

  4. Bring to a boil, then turn down to a low simmer for 25 minutes.

  5. Let cool and strain all plant matter through a strainer or piece of muslin. Do your best to press out all of the liquid from the plant matter. You should be left with about 5- 6  ounces of liquid, give or take a little.

  6. Return Elderberry liquid back to the pot and add in 4 ounces of honey. OR, you may chose to add 2 ounces of honey and 2 ounces of brandy. Both the brandy and the honey are excellent preservatives.

  7. Gently warm the honey, Elderberry liquid, and optional brandy. Be careful to not overheat, but warm just enough to dissolve honey.

  8. Return the liquid to the mason jar your herbs came in and store it in the refrigerator. It should be good for several months.

BONUS RECIPE- With any extra Syrup try making a delicious Compote: With every 1/4 cup of Elderberry Syrup add 2 teaspoons of ground chia seeds. Enjoy on pancakes, crepes, or most any desert!

            Have Fun & Enjoy!