Summertime Desert Remedies

Summertime Desert Remedies

Tucson Herb Store summertime desert remedies

I Thought I would take a minute during this summertime mushy heat and let you know more about what I've been up to lately. I'm always experimenting with making new products at the shop, so here are some of my current favorite summer goodies (at least for now)!

Bug Protection Spray

As we speak, I'm sitting out back dousing my legs and feet with our “Bug Protection Spray”. I'm also spraying it on my baby's legs! It’s safe for the little ones, as long as you use it in moderation and away from their face.


Summer Cooler Tea

Next up is our “Summer Cooler Tea," which is so damn refreshing during those extra-hot summer days. How can you go wrong with Spearmint, Red Raspberry, & Hibiscus? Set it in the sun to infuse, then put it in the refrigerator, and sip all summer long. It’s a nice way to break up all the water drinking you have to do in the desert this time of year! 


Digestive Bitters

We purchased a Soda Stream at my house a couple summers ago, and I absolutely love it! I will often pour myself a glass of bubbly water, add 1-2 ice cups and 1-2 dropper fulls of Digestive Bitters. It helps when you are feeling like you don’t want to eat ANYTHING because it is so hot. It really settles your stomach and is super refreshing.


Water Spirit Spray

Our Water Spirit Spray just has a sweet summer vibe. It’s a nice uplifting aromatherapy scent, that cools and refreshes your skin. Spray it all over your sweaty sheets, or your sweaty bodies. Leave yourself uplifted with this sweet summer breezy scent!


Tucson Summer Incense

We make our Tucson Summer Nights Incense every summer in honor of the intensity of our monsoon season. There's a serious magic vibe that happens in the dead of a Tucson summer; the intensity of the rains, the saguaro cactus fruit, the way the town quiets down. Burn a little incense to invoke some of these desert magic vibes. Sit still and reflect on the potency of this healing desert, in the peak of its intensity. In these quiet places we are reminded why we tough out these insane summer days!