Plants in other ways during Coronavirus

🙏 I am grateful to plants right now!!! ✨🌱✨

Being with plants remind my nervous system to stay calm. It turns on the parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest)…just seeing them, smelling, sitting with them. I also OF COURSE love them for their healing abilities… BUT wonder about the sustainability right now of suddenly having large numbers of people turn to plants and herbs to boost their immunity. I just want to remind people that there are other more sustainable ways to keep our nervous systems strong and healthy… which is truly one of the best thing for our Immunity we can do to be prepared…

Here are a few of my favorite ways to be with plants that nourishes me deeply: ⁃Go on a walk… in your neighborhood, or in the desert…

  1. On your walk…. collect beautiful things you find… like a treasure hunt… seed pods, flowers, rocks, leaves… bring them home… arrange them on a shelf or a table…. or collect a bouquet of flowers….. drawl or paint what you found. This is a lovely way to sit with plants, be with them and learn more about how intricate and incredible they are!

  2. Sit with a plant and do a plant meditation…. quiet down… watch what you see… are there buggies and other critters interacting with the plant… do you notice things that you never would have seen had you not stopped and spent the time? Smell them, talk about it with a friend, journal about it.

  3. Try and ID -  identify the plants you see… with a plant ID book or online.

  4. If you have a garden… pick something and experiment… Kami McBride has amazing recipes for experimental pesto’s and herbal cooking oils

  5. Sit down with a cup of any tea… feel grateful for that plant… enjoy the taste, the warmth. I like to let it warm my hands and my belly… this actually builds qi!

  6. Just walk around and take beautiful photos of the plants… the flowers are popping and beautiful right now!

    So many of these things are fun to do with little ones too!!! If you were expecting specific herbs that are good for immunity…. sorry and not sorry! 
    Love to you all!!!
